The expectations of market towards students of technical schools and university graduates are inversely proportional to the evolution of curricula. New, rare skills and a creative approach to production methods are nowadays an element sought by employers. Thanks to 3D printing, students can produce teaching aids, and students of technical faculties can use printers to create specific elements of their research projects. As a result, schools become more competitive, and by guaranteeing the acquisition of specific skills, they are eagerly chosen by their future students. Soon, most of the production in the world will be generated by technologies similar to 3D printing. From primary school on, we should make sure to introduce subjects in which students will learn design and modeling. Only such schools can be partners for technology companies that make up the current labor market. The best printer for educational applications is the S320, which thanks to its small dimensions and large possibilities will be the perfect complement to any laboratory or technical workshop, and its closed chamber with necessary filters allows safe use!